Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Color Tracking Fun!

After working with blobs and the OpenCV library to create "Granpa Loves Valentine's Day", Winslow Porter and I combined forces with Meredith Hasson and Angela Chen to tackle color tracking.

Using Dan O’Sullivan's color tracking code as a starting point, we began to develop a simple and sometimes reliable way of determining the location of two green squares from the pixel data of a webcam. From the location of each square we can then determine the distance between the squares and even the angle of a line drawn between the two squares.

Gone Fishing Debugging from Matt Richard on Vimeo.

But what to do with such a thing? After a quick brainstorm, the act of fish-story telling, specifically the phrase, "a [fish] this big!" would be captured in augmented video and a simple story would be told.

Catch of the Day from Winslow Porter on Vimeo.

The code can be found here along with an awesome inside look from Angela Chen.

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